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Beta Glucano de Levedura

Product Description:

Yeast Beta Glucan is concentrated beta glucan derived from cell wall of specially fermented Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It serves as a biological response stimulator to strengthen immune defenses to fight viral, bacterial, and fungal invaders, it helps to improve the immunity, especially for aquaculture, and improve animal performance and control diseases.


70%, 80%, 85%


酵母ベータグルカンは、特別に発酵させた醸造酵母サッカロマイセス・セレビシエ(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)の細胞壁由来の濃縮ベータグルカンです。これは、ウイルス、細菌、真菌の侵入と戦うために免疫防御を強化する生物学的応答刺激剤として機能し、それは、特に養殖のための免疫力を向上させ、動物のパフォーマンスを向上させ、病気を制御するのに役立ちます。


70%, 80%, 85%


O Beta Glucano de parede celular de levedura (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Imunomodulação e estimulante da resposta biológica utilizado para todas as espécies animais, especialmente no petfood e na aquicultura.


70%, 80%, 85%

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